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The White Hill Guesthouse

Where Desert meets People

Between a large crater, and an amazing lake, lies our cozy and welcoming guesthouse. With an open view of the white soft hills of this region, and lots of advice about the hikes and trails around. The town of Yerucham is blessed with exciting multicultural workshops, food and stories. You’re welcome to explore the Negev desert with us.


Hospitality is in our nature!

WhatsApp Image 2020-04-01 at

Nice to Meet You

Hey! We're Efrat family -  Ilana, Avishai & little Ruth. We love to meet new people, on purpose or by chance, and our door is always open

Rooms & Dorms

Groups / Families

Entire house as one unit, suitable for up to 38 people

Dorm Room

Suitable for 4 to 7 people

Private Rooms/ Couple or Family

Suitable for 2 to 4 people




Swimming Pool

Air Conditioning

Free Wi-Fi



Book your next stay with us!

Hadekel 181 Yerucham

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